Agenda item

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) 28 2016 Abbeydore Road

The purpose of the report by the Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support is to consider the responses to the public consultation on proposals under TRO 28 2016: Abbeydore Road.  When objections are received to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders, it is a statutory requirement to consider them at a formal decision meeting.


RECOMMENDED that the proposed verge parking places (wholly/ partially) in Abbeydore Road are implemented as per the scheme design.


Martin Lavers, the Assistant Head of Service, presented the report of the Director of Transport, Environment and Business Support, accompanied by Cellestine Jeacock the project manager.  He explained the background to this, having been approached by residents regarding parking problems in the area, with many cars parking up on the pavement which caused blockages for pedestrians, wheelchair users and those with pushchairs.  The grass verges were being churned up by the informal parking taking place.  Solutions had been considered, and it was felt that 'dragons teeth' wooden post would not be suitable for this area.  Therefore the alternative solution of hard standings on some of the verges was being considered, and the drawing circulated illustrated the verges and the on/off pavement parking. The aim was to balance accessibility with access for vehicles driving down the road to allow room for emergency and waste collection vehicles. 


Officers had been in touch with those residents who had requested dropped kerbs; 2 had not responded, 2 no longer wanted them and 2 were still in discussions to ensure they were aware of their need to undertake works to allow further access to their properties via their gardens.  They had met with residents, including Mr Finney, on site to discuss the plans and the layout had been changed, where appropriate, to accommodate requests which would benefit the whole scheme.  Mr Lavers reported that whilst the scheme did not provide additional parking, it aimed to make the best use of the space (and did not reduce parking).  The markings and hard standings would give a more controlled parking environment, but double yellow lines were not planned as part of this.


Deputations were made by two members of the public Mr Finney and Mr Morgan to raise objections and comments on the proposed scheme whose points included:


·         The cut out at no.51 would only produce 1 parking space


·         Questioning the size of the kerb drops on the north side, and raising concerns about putting parking on the north side


·         A major concern was the condition of the road surface in Abbeydore Road, circulating photographs showing the broken up tarmac, and it would be a waste to put the markings down on this surface which was deteriorating when it needed repairing, and was considerably worse than roads in the neighbouring ward, and the worry was that if the painting took place the repairs would never happen


·         The local convention was to park on the south side and now there would be parking on both sides of the road and there were already problems with multiple private cars and business vehicles per house, such as taxis, which block the highway and were likely to continue to park on the verges.


·         There had been several meetings over the last 2 years, with the previous Cabinet Member and Hampshire Constabulary, and the plan no longer looked like the original plan and many of the residents in the road no longer knew what was going on.


·         The additional parking at Walford Road was less secure for vehicles and not well lit so there were safety concerns, plus there was a charge for it.


·         They did not believe there were problems with emergency access with the current layout.


Mr Finney also handed in a petition of 10 signatures from residents who stated they were unhappy with the current plans.


Councillor Fleming had visited the site and had also spoken to the officer who surveys the roads and was told that they look at how structurally sound the roads are not just how they look for their criteria in assessing those roads in most need of improvement.  Only 20 roads per year were resurfaced via Colas as part of the tertiary network.  If this road was prioritised it would be at the expense of another road which may be deemed as more structurally unsafe. Councillor Fleming undertook to investigate the issue of the road surface. He stressed that this and the concerns regarding the parking area to the rear (owned by the Housing Service) were completely separate issues to the parking improvement scheme being decided at this meeting.  The scheme had originated from complaints received from local residents that had been brought to his attention by ward Councillor John Ferrett.  Councillor Fleming also undertook to raise the issue of poor lighting at the Housing Department's parking area as this was not under his portfolio's control.


Councillor Potter was concerned by the state of the road surface; as a motorcycle rider he avoided using this road as there was little traction so was dangerous.  He also raised the concern of some residents that there were properties generating extra cars due to multiple-occupation.


Councillor Stagg was also aware of the problems of other similar roads in the city which had concrete topped with tarmac which was wearing off due to weather damage.  She felt that Colas should be asked to resurface this road and suggested that the scheme be deferred until negotiations with the contractor had taken place so that the money would not be wasted.


Councillor Chowdhury commented on the need to ensure money was not wasted and the need for a cost-effective solution.


The officers had spent time consulting with local residents and the intention was to encourage more responsible parking. It was noted that the plans showed some trees which limited the parking options.


Councillor Fleming thanked all who had participated in this discussion and he had taken on board the views expressed by those both for and against the scheme.  In making his decision he was mindful that the road resurfacing needs to be backed by professional evidence of its priority as there is a published list to be adhered to.  The scheme had been amended to take on board earlier objections and there had been work with the Housing Department to provide additional parking to the rear.  He felt that the scheme achieved an easier access to both sides of the road and would therefore support its implementation.


DECISION: That the proposed verge parking places (wholly/partially) in Abbeydore Road be implemented as per the scheme design.

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