Agenda item

New review topic regarding widening student opportunities - discussion of topic and scope of the review

The Scrutiny Management Panel on 31 July asked that the EDCL Scrutiny Panel undertake a review:


'How to develop wider opportunities - especially to consider involving students from the University and those in other further education, to the mutual benefit of the students and the City Council'


Members of the panel are asked to discuss the scope of this review and possible witnesses to be asked to contribute to it.




Councillor Jennie Brent welcomed all the panel members plus Councillor Steve Hastings as the chair of the Scrutiny Management Panel (SMP) to the meeting.  The SMP had decided this would be the best topic for this panel to review to tie in with the council's objectives.  Discussion took place regarding the scrutiny process having a dual role, with the individual panels holding the Cabinet to account and also undertaking pre-decision scrutiny; the role of the Scrutiny Management Panel is to oversee the work programme of the individual panels. 


Councillor Winnington had been at the Scrutiny Management Panel where the discussion had taken place regarding the work programmes of the panels and he had felt that the EDCL undertake pre-decision scrutiny of sponsorship ideas and property investment.  He stressed this was independent of the suggestion emailed to panel members by a member of the public, Mr Farouk, who had not spoken to him on the issue of scrutinising the Emirates sponsorship deal.  It was felt that the panel may wish to look at investment to help the Cabinet Member for PRED at a later stage, and Cllr Winnington had been discussing the student opportunities ideas with Brian Bracher (who was leading on Portsmouth Together). 


Members of the panel supported the view that student opportunities could be explored as the first review topic and it was therefore agreed that the EDCL panel would review widening of student opportunities in Portsmouth.


Scope of the review and potential witnesses

Lyn Exley and Amanda Percy were present from the Education Department regarding 16+ education.  They felt there was a good range of providers in the city - not just the university but the sixth form colleges and the GFE college, the training providers and the voluntary sector, all whom could be involved in this review topic (NEETS were also reached through a variety of providers).  Members of the panel also suggested the involvement of the Pompey Study Centre.  Discussion took place on the different types of voluntary work, work experience and coaching opportunities with employers.  It was noted that the university students were already involved in many projects with the council and had previously been involved in developing PCC's Seafront Strategy.  The panel felt that the review could also include empowerment of young women, involvement of BME communities and inviting Portsmouth College.


There was a need to ensure there was not duplication through this broad topic as two years previously the EDCL panel had investigated into pathways into work for young people so a lot of work had taken place on the employment side.  Therefore this review should be more about volunteering opportunities and widening horizons through shadowing and enhancing skills.


Format of the review

The panel members suggested that there may be an alternative way of undertaking the review rather than using the work plan as suggested on the draft scoping document.  Members favoured using a half-day session to invite witnesses along at the same time with the panel members being involved in talking to voluntary, educational and agency representatives on different tables. 


It was suggested this take place October/November and there was a need for the panel to meet again informally beforehand to discuss arrangements and guests etc although a lot of this could be done through Democratic Services emailing the panel members for ideas and the main officers at the city council.  The invitation should also be extended to the standing deputies to help facilitate this day.  Presentations could take place at the start such as from the council, university, a college etc.


The date of the next meeting was not set as this would depend on the date of the evidence gathering session.