Agenda item

Hilsea Lido Update Report

To receive a report from the Head of Transport and Environment which updates the portfolio holder for Culture, Leisure and Sport on the offering around the Hilsea Lido, to outline a plan for assessing the community benefits and clarifying the role the city council has in supporting the Hilsea Lido Pool for the People Trust (HLPPT), the Trust.




(1)  That a Community Benefits review of the site is undertaken by council officers on an annual basis.

(2)  That the portfolio holder acknowledges the work, identified through the "state of play" document which the HLPPT have undertaken at the Lido and Blue Lagoon sites since taking responsibility in 2010.

(3)  That non-financial and enabling support is offered to the HLPPT to maximise the chances of success at the Lido.




Councillor Hunt advised that two deputation requests had been received for this item.  A letter had also been received from the MP for Portsmouth North, Penny Mordaunt. Councillor Hunt read out the main points of this letter (a copy of which would be added to the agenda papers on the Council's website following this meeting).  Ms Mordaunt had stated that she was pleased to hear of the excellent progress being made at the Hilsea Lido and supported the Council's wish to produce an annual report on the benefits of the Lido.  She felt the Council should do more to support the Hilsea Lido Pool for the People's Trust (HLPPT) and hoped that the annual review might produce a list of actions and resources to contribute to the project. 

Mr Fielding,
Assistant Head of Service, Transport & Environment introduced the report and summarised the key points.  He advised that the Council had no responsibility for the management of the Hilsea Lido and only acted as the landlord.  Members noted that the Hilsea Lido project had secured £50k in funding from Sports England. Members also noted that the HLPTT had advised in their 'state of play' report that that they planned to open the main pool on Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's from 4-8pm to the public.    

Mr Chippindall-Higgin, Director of Adventure College wished to speak against the recommendations and was invited to make his deputation.  He raised a number of examples where his company had encountered obstacles affecting the operation of their business from the Lido, and the HLPTT had not been as co-operative as they could have been to help resolve these.  He felt that there was mismanagement within the Trust and urged the Council consider reviewing the management of the Hilsea Lido. 

Mrs Brett wished to speak against the recommendations on behalf of the six members of the Hilsea Lido in the public gallery, and was invited to make her deputation.  She raised a number of concerns around the management of HLPPT.  She explained there was a lack of communication and consultation between the Trust and its members and advised that there was no delegation to members and a perceived lack of trust towards members.  She also advised that there were constitutional issues within the HLPPT as the members had been downgraded to supporters and had thereby lost their voting rights despite paying an annual membership fee. She added that under the Constitution trustees are up for election every year by the membership, however, the last AGM was a year late and members had not been allowed to vote.

Councillor Hunt invited Mrs Kinnard, a member of Hilsea Lido who was in the public gallery, to come forward to make a brief deputation.  She said she was formerly a trustee however had stepped down to become a member due to many of the concerns raised by Mrs Brett. 

Councillor Hunt thanked those who had made deputations. 

In response to questions from members the following matters were clarified:

·         The asset management team would be able to advise whether the condition and maintenance history of the lido was known to the HLPPT before handover. 

·         The amount of officer time for the review was unknown at this stage and would depend on the information that officers receive. 

·         Chris Richards, Community Projects Officer explained that as part of her role she advised organisations on constitutional issues and had helped the Trust draw up their constitution and referred to this.  She advised that anyone living in the area of benefit has the right to become a member.  All members are entitled to one vote; usually this is only exercised at an AGM.  However, if members were unhappy with the actions of the trustees they could call an EGM.   The trustees are elected by members at an AGM and the next AGM was scheduled for August 2014. 

·         The Council's role is to enable the Trust to abide by these rules and it does not have the remit to step in to help them with their governance.   Concerns over governance should be raised by members to the charity commission. 

·         Council members of the Culture, Leisure and Sport portfolio meeting were not precluded from becoming members of the Hilsea Lido.  However if a member was a trustee then they would have a potential conflict of interest when items on this matter came to the decision meetings. 

Councillor Hunt advised that officers would follow up on any areas of concern that had been raised by those who had made deputations and these would be incorporated as part of the community benefits review that would take place later in the year.   Councillor Hunt further informed the meeting that he had talked with the founder of HLPPT, Jane Smith, who welcomed an annual report. 

James Sandy, Community Engagement Manager and Chris Richards, advised they would be willing to assist the members regarding the constitutional issues of the Trust and would discuss these with them outside of the meeting. 


(1)  That a Community Benefits review of the site is undertaken by council officers on an annual basis. 

(2)  That the portfolio holder acknowledges the work, identified through the "state of play" document which the HLPPT have undertaken at the Lido and Blue Lagoon sites since taking responsibility in 2010. 

(3)  That non-financial and enabling support is offered to the HLPPT to maximise the chances of success at the Lido and that this advice and support is reported to the AGM. 

(4)  That it be noted that the Community Project Officer and the Community Engagement Manager as part of their role, offer advice to members of the public on these matters. 




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