Agenda item

Victorious Music & Cultural Festival

Purpose: This report is to seek approval from the Cabinet Member for Culture Leisure and Sport for a new large scale event to be held on Southsea Seafront during the August Bank Holiday 2014 



(1)  That authority is given to enter into an agreement with Victorious Festival to hold a trial event for 2 days over the August Bank Holiday weekend of 23 - 25 August 2014.

(2)  To support the organisers to hold the event within a fenced in area as defined in the attached map (Appendix A).

(3)  That the directly provided PCC facilities of the D Day museum and Southsea Castle within this area to be offered free of charge during this event.

(4)  That officers are instructed to have further negotiations with the Victorious Festival organisers to seek potential storage solutions for the infrastructure equipment with PCC then having usage of the equipment in lieu of site rental.

(5)  That officers be instructed to bring a full evaluation report of the 2014 trial event to the Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport Decision Meeting in autumn 2014 before entering into a longer term contract.




Councillor Hunt advised that three deputation requests and one written representation had been received for this item. 

James Ralls, Victorious Music and Cultural Festival event organiser wished to speak in favour of the recommendations and was invited to make his deputation.  Steve Pitt, Chair of Shaping Portsmouth wished to speak in favour of the recommendations and was invited to make his deputation.  Councillor Andrewes wished to make a deputation and was invited to speak.  He was generally in favour of the recommendations but raised a number of concerns.   A written representation had been received from Lucy Pixie, a member of the public, which was read by Councillor Hunt.  She was generally in favour of the event but raised concerns regarding litter and how the common would be brought back to pre-event standards.  Councillor Hunt advised that he would take up the issues raised at the regular PESAG meetings. 

Councillor Hunt thanked those who had made deputations.


The report was introduced by David Evans, Seafront Manager.  Amended recommendations had been circulated by Mr Evans at the start of the meeting. 


During the discussion the following matters were clarified:

·         Mr Evans advised that the arrangements for allowing members of the public access to the attractions who didn't have a ticket to the festival were being discussed.  He anticipated that electric vehicles would be used to transport people to and from the attractions from the festival entrance.

·         With regard to concerns over noise levels from the festival, officers advised that Mr Ralls was working closely with the Council's environmental health team and had approached a sound consultancy company to make sure the sound from the festival was at a reasonable level using directed speakers. 

·         Claire Looney, Commissioning Manager, said that she would seek clarification on the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and its application to the proposed Victorious Event, and would respond to members following the meeting. 

·         Susan Aistrope, Finance Manager advised that there was no budget for the event and it would be funded by the event organisers.  It was anticipated that the event would generate income for the city and that the Council would be reimbursed for any losses incurred, for example in respect of lost entrance fees to the D Day Museum.   She added that the finance team would continue to review the financial impact of the festival but initial indications suggested that the festival would bring a positive financial impact to the city. 

·         Officers advised that they were in discussions with the park and ride operator and the Council would inform them that buses needed to be provided until the end of the festival to return the festival goers to the Tipner park and ride. 

Councillor Hunt said that he was satisfied the Council would have a good working relationship with the Victorious Festival organisers.  He emphasised that the organisers would be working in partnership with the Council and would consult with ward councillors in the interest of the local residents.  He said that it was not unusual to hold a large scale event in the city.



(1)  That authority is given to enter into a 5 year agreement with a potential extension of a further 2 years with Victorious Festival to hold an annual 2 day event over the August Bank Holiday weekend of commencing in August 2014.  


(2)  To support the organisers to hold the event within a fenced in area as defined for 2014 in the attached map (Appendix A) and to ensure that the organisers apply for a Premises Licence to comply with the Licensing Act 2003 for the provision of all licensable activities which apply to this event.  In addition, the organisers must ensure that they work in partnership with the usual authorities towards a successful application for a premises licence satisfactorily promotes the licensing objectives.


(3)  That the directly provided PCC facilities of the D Day museum and Southsea Castle within this area to be offered free of charge during this event. 


(4)  That a financial model is agreed with the organisers to comply with PCC's 'fees and charges' for the hire of Parks and Open Spaces and to have further negotiations with the Victorious Festival organisers to seek potential storage solutions for the infrastructure equipment with PCC then having usage of the equipment.

(5)  That officers be instructed to bring a full evaluation report of the 2014 event to the Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport decision meeting in autumn 2014.




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