
Solent Growth Forum - Wednesday, 28th March, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fareham Borough Council

Contact: Vicki Stone (023) 9283 4318  Email:

No. Item


Introductions and Apologies for Absence and appointment of Chair for the meeting

The Chair Councillor Cheshire has sent his apologies as he needs to be at a Council meeting.



Declarations of Members' Interests


Minutes of the Previous Meeting of 16 October 2017 pdf icon PDF 77 KB


To approve the attached minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 October 2017.


Local Growth Deal (LGD) Programme Update pdf icon PDF 143 KB

This report provides an update to the Solent Growth Forum on the Local Growth Deal (LGD) programme which is investing in capital projects in the Solent area to support economic growth.


There will be a presentation from Robin Abbot, BAE Systems on the Test Bed project.


The Solent Growth Forum is asked to note the update report.




Strategy Update (revised item) pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Stuart Baker to present, Head of Local Growth, Solent LEP, to update on the work in train on the new strategy by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  There will be a presentation at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Forward Plan

A verbal update will be given - Marc Griffin/Stuart Baker.



Any other business and close




Councillor Seán Woodward Fareham BC

Councillor Donna Jones Portsmouth CC

Councillor Simon Letts Southampton CC

Councillor Guy Shepherd East Hampshire DC

Councillor Keith House Eastleigh BC

Councillor Mark Hook Gosport BC

Councillor Roy Perry Hampshire CC

Councillor Michael Cheshire Havant BC

Councillor Nick Adams-King Test Valley BC

Councillor Caroline Horrill Winchester CC

Councillor David Stewart Isle of Wight Council

Councillor Edward Heron New Forest DC


Invited Ex Officio Members

Di Roberts Brockenhurst College

Ken Moon Federation of Small Businesses

Tim Houghton Community First

John Henderson Highways England

Mike O'Neill Environment Agency

RavneetVirdi BEIS

Fiona Dalton University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Graham Galbraith University of Portsmouth

Bruce Voss Homes and Communities Agency

Vacancy Network Rail

Vacancy Skills Funding Agency

Vacancy Southern and Eastern Region Trades Unions Congress



Standing Ex Officio Members/Officers

Anne-Marie Mountfield, Chief Executive - Solent LEP

Stuart Baker & Marc Griffin Solent LEP

James Fitzgerald (for Chris Ward) Chief Finance Officer for Solent LEP Accountable Body (PCC)

Sophie Mallon Legal Advisor to Solent LEP Accountable Body (PCC)



Minutes 28 March 2018 (draft) pdf icon PDF 60 KB