Agenda and minutes

Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee - Monday, 26th June, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Gosport

Contact: John Haskell, Clerk to the Joint Committee 023 9283 4057 

No. Item

Apologies for Absence (AI 1)

Councillor David Guest (Havant BC), Councillor Susan Bell (Fareham BC);

Stephen Kerr, Deputy Clerk, and Mark Pam, Deputy Engineer & Surveyor.


Appointment of Chairman

It is the policy of the Joint Committee to adopt a rotating basis for the appointment of chairman and vice chairman.   The Chairman for the 2017/18 municipal year should therefore be appointed from one of Portsmouth’s representatives.


RESOLVED that Councillor Frank Jonas (Portsmouth City Council) be appointed Chairman for the 2017/18 municipal year.


(Councillor Frank Jonas in the Chair)


Appointment of Vice-Chairman

The Vice-Chairman should be appointed from one of Fareham’s representatives as it will be Fareham’s turn to act as Chairman for the 2018/19 municipal year.


RESOLVED that Councillor Susan Bell (Fareham Borough Council) be appointed Vice Chairman for the 2017/18 municipal year.


Declarations of Members' Interests




Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 162 KB



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 20 March 2017 be signed as a correct record.


Matters Arising from the Minutes not specifically referred to on the Agenda

(a)  Minute 722 – Recycling of Metals Scheme – Charitable Nomination


To report that the Rowans Hospice has been awarded £5,000 under the metals recycling scheme operated by the Institute of Cemetery and Cremation Management.


(a)       Minute 722 – Recycling of Metals Scheme – Charitable Nomination


It was noted with pleasure that the Rowans Hospice had been awarded £5,000 under the metals recycling scheme operated by the Institute of Cemetery and Cremation Management.


Clerk's Items

The Clerk to the Joint Committee will report on any matters requiring attention.




Annual Return for the Financial Year Ended 31 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 341 KB

The purpose of the attached report from the Treasurer is to advise that the Joint Committee’s accounts have been prepared in compliance with the format prescribed by the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011. 


Section 2 of the document includes the Annual Governance Statement.   A background paper is attached to the statement as an appendix giving a short explanation of the key components upon which the Joint Committee can rely in agreeing the Annual Governance Statement.


RECOMMENDED that the Annual Return for the financial year ending 31 March 2017 be approved and signed as appropriate, as follows -


(a)          Section 1 - Accounting Statements for Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee be approved and signed;


(b)          Section 2 - Annual Governance Statement be approved and signed;


(c)          Section 4 - Annual Internal Audit Report be noted.




The Deputy Treasurer presented the report and in doing so drew specific attention to and highlighted various sections of the Annual Return.


RESOLVED (1) that the Annual Return for the financial year ending 31 March 2017 be approved and signed as appropriate, as follows -


(a)  Section 1 - Accounting Statements for Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee;


(b)  Section 2 - Annual Governance Statement;


(2) that the Income and Expenditure Statement for the year ended 31 March 2017 and Balance Sheet as at  31 March 2017 be noted.


Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee - Annual Report - 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

The purpose of the attached report by the Clerk is to place on record and inform members of the principal work of the Joint Committee during the 2016/17 financial year.


RECOMMENDED that the annual report for the 2016/17 financial year be noted and received and it be sent for information to each constituent authority.




RESOLVED that the annual report for the 2016/17 financial year be noted and received and it be sent for information to each constituent authority.


North Chapel Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 242 KB

At the last meeting of the Joint Committee a report was received advising that RBA Architects Ltd had agreed to produce a concept design for refurbishing the North Chapel.  RBA were the architect engaged on the successful refurbishment of the South Chapel.


The purpose of the attached report by the Engineer and Surveyor is to seek the Joint Committee’s approval to proceed with a scheme to refurbish the Crematorium’s North Chapel.    Issues requiring approval include:

·         Concept scheme design

·         Appointment of consulting personnel, and

·         Budget provision


Robert Benn, of RBA Architects Ltd, will brief members on progress with bringing forward a scheme of refurbishment works.


RECOMMENDED that the recommendations set out in the report be approved.




The Engineer and Surveyor reminded the Joint Committee that at the last meeting a report was received advising that RBA Architects Ltd had agreed to produce a concept design for refurbishing the North Chapel.   RBA was the architect engaged on the successful refurbishment of the South Chapel.


Robert Benn, of RBA Architects Ltd, gave members a presentation on progress and the concept design scheme of refurbishment works, the main points of which were –


·         Removal of the existing ceiling in order to increase the volume of the chapel and create a more spacious appearance by realigning the ceiling into the roof space.  Works would include cladding the existing three hidden roof trusses, and finishing the ceiling in a light colour.


·         Improving the natural light levels by the provision of new high level windows, with “obscure” glazing, in the side walls.


·         Introduction of low energy feature lighting similar to that used in the South Chapel.


·         Introducing wooden cladding to the walls.  This would be similar to that used in the South Chapel and would create a significant unifying theme.


·         Improvement to the heating and ventilation by the introduction of air conditioning to replace the existing under floor heating.


·         Removal of the wooden pews and their replacement with linked individual chairs.  This could enable the chapel seating to be reconfigured to provide an intimate space more appropriate to smaller funerals


·         Possible reorientation of the catafalque in the committal area.


Following the presentation, and in response to questions from members the following main points arose –


·         Giving consideration to retaining some or all pews either as existing or in a new style ‘pew’ formed by linking individual chairs, whilst still seeking to provide the opportunity for seating to be re-configured, as and when mourners may require it.


·         The possibility that large seasonal photographs of the gardens could be displayed, to create a ‘link’ between the chapel and the grounds themselves.    Mention was made that the waiting rooms might be a suitable alternative if members wished to pursue this suggestion.


Mr Benn was thanked for his presentation, after which he withdrew from the meeting.


The meeting was advised that budgetary provision was available for this project.   A further report on progress with the project, detailed costings and procurement arrangements would be brought to the next meeting.


RESOLVED (1) That RBA Architects Ltd be thanked for the presentation of their proposals for the refurbishment of the North Chapel and that the design principles, taking into account the observations and comments of members, be approved.


                        (2) That RBA Architects Ltd be appointed to progress the design scheme on appropriate terms and conditions to be settled by the Engineer and Surveyor after consultation with the Clerk to the Joint Committee and the Treasurer.


                        (3) That financial provision of £205,000 plus professional fees and VAT for the estimated cost of implementing the scheme be made in the Joint Committee’s budget for 2017/18.


                        (4) That authority be given for the scheme to be supervised by Fareham Borough Council’s Building Services.


                        (5) That authority be given to appoint artec3 as lighting consultants.


                        (6) That authority be given to appoint RBA Architects Ltd as “Principal Designer” in respect of the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.


                        (7) That authority be given to appoint a specialist structural engineer as a separate design service.


Building Works Programme pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Report from the Engineer and Surveyor attached.


RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee notes the contents of the report.




In presenting his report the Engineer and Surveyor advised members that the schemes referenced 1708 (Disability Discrimination Act work) and 1801 (resurfacing of car park and main entrance) had now been completed. 


RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted.


Manager and Registrar's Report pdf icon PDF 125 KB

(a)  General Report attached


(b)Monitoring Register of Public Comments


(c)  Any other items of topical interest


(a)          General Statistical Report




In presenting his report the Manager and Registrar drew specific attention to the increasing popularity of early morning ‘walk though’ funerals.


RESOLVED (a) that the report be received and noted.


(b)          Any other items of topical interest – public comments register


The Manager and Registrar reported that since March 2017 the following main comments had been received -


·         A person complaining that memorials were being left in the gardens in contravention of the crematorium regulations was advised these were removed periodically;

·         Various complimentary remarks regarding the appearance of the gardens;

·         A person complaining that dead flowers had not been removed from the gardens was advised this was the first week following Mothers’ Day and gardeners were working to clear flowers;

·         A request for the pond to be cleaned had been noted;

·         A complimentary remark regarding the display of the Books of Remembrance;

·         A person commenting that the appearance of the North Chapel was depressing was advised that plans were under consideration for refurbishment;  

·         A comment of thanks for the web-link for a funeral service and the quality of the sound and vision.


RESOLVED that the report be noted with interest.


Grievance and Disciplinary Appeals Committee - Appointment of Representatives

To appoint 3 members and 3 standing deputies to serve on the Appeal Committee, as agreed on 14 June 2010 under minute 360.


RESOLVED that Councillors Susan Bell, Alan Scard and Frank Jonas be appointed, (together with Councillors Keith Evans and Tony Briggs as standing deputies) to serve on the Appeals Committee, as agreed on 14 June 2010 under minute 360.


Horticultural Consultant's Report pdf icon PDF 118 KB

(a)       General Report


A report from the Horticultural Consultant on grounds maintenance generally is attached.


(b)       Grounds Maintenance Contract


The officers will update the Joint Committee on progress with inviting tenders for the new grounds maintenance contract due to run from January 2018.


RECOMMENDED that the report be received and noted.




In submitting his report the Horticultural Consultant reported on progress with the procurement programme being undertaken by Portsmouth City Council for the new grounds maintenance contract from January 2018.    


In accordance with the Joint Committee’s previous decision on 12 December 2016 under minute 717, expressions of interest had been invited and a number of companies had responded.    These were subsequently sent pre –qualification questionnaires (PQQ).


The PQQ’s had now been evaluated by Portsmouth City Council’s Procurement Service, and the Horticultural Consultant in consultation with PCC had now finalised a select list of contractors.    These companies would shortly be sent tender documents for completion and return during August, after which they would be evaluated.    


A report would be made to the Joint Committee on the 18 September after which a formal award of a new contract would be made on the basis of the outcome of the evaluation process. 


RESOLVED that the report be received and approved.


Dates of Future Meetings

RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee meets at 2pm on a rotating basis on the following dates in 2017/18, at the venues indicated –


          Monday 18 September 2017 (Havant)

          Monday 11 December 2017 (Portsmouth)

          Monday 19 March 2018 (Fareham)

          Monday 25 June 2018 (Gosport)


RESOLVED that the Joint Committee meets at 2pm on a rotating basis on the following dates in 2017/18, at the venues indicated –


Monday 18 September 2017 (Havant)

Monday 11 December 2017 (Portsmouth)

Monday 19 March 2018 (Fareham)

Monday 25 June 2018 (Gosport)