Agenda and minutes

Housing & Social Care Scrutiny Panel - Friday, 26th June, 2015 9.00 am

Venue: Conference Room L - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Lucy Wingham, CCDS Tel: 9283 4662  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Margaret Foster.


Declaration of Members' Interests


There were no declarations.


Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March and from the visit to All Saints Hostel on 23 March 2015 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

RECOMMENDED that the minutes from the meeting held on 20 March and the visit to All Saints Hostel are noted.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March and the visit to All Saints Hostel on 23 March 2015 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the chair of the panel.


Support Services for people ages 16-25 living in isolation

The panel will discuss the continuation of the review, witnesses to be called and the proposed timetable.


Lucy Wingham, Local Democracy Officer provided the panel with a synopsis of when the current review commenced and the witnesses whom the panel have seen and heard evidence from. Members of the panel had been sent the scoping document prior to the meeting.  


A discussion took place and the panel agreed that they would like to invite Sharon George, from the Positive Family Future Transformation Team and Kay Crockford, the Teenage Pregnancy Re-integration Officer to the next meeting.


Councillor Brent mentioned a group that work in Portsmouth College supporting young people with mental health issues who may be useful to hear from as part of the review. Councillor Sanders agreed to email the principal of the College, Steve Frampton to find out more about the work of this group with a view to inviting them along to a future meeting.


Councillor Sanders raised the issue of future review topics and asked members if they had any suggestions. The topic of private student housing was raised. Members were keen to find out how the privately rented student accommodation affects the local community and what impact this has on the city as a whole in terms of housing. Members were also keen to know the capacity levels and future projections of students and student accommodation provided by the University. Members then suggested that perhaps empty properties in the city and housing need could be looked at.


Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting to be agreed by the panel.


It was agreed that Lucy would arrange the date of the next meeting for a Friday morning in September and invite the witnesses as discussed.