Issue - meetings

East Cosham Road and Gunwharf Road propsals (TRO 77/2015)

Meeting: 21/01/2016 - Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation (Item 3)

3 East Cosham Road and Gunwharf Road proposals (TRO 77/2015) pdf icon PDF 956 KB

The purpose of the report by the Director of Transport, Environment and Business Support is to consider the response to the public consultation on 2 proposals under TRO 77/2015.  When objections are received to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders, it is a statutory requirement to consider them at a formal decision meeting. 



(1)          East Cosham Road:

           that the double yellow lines on the east side are implemented

           that the 11-metre length of double yellow lines on the west side outside no.25 are implemented

           that the first 40m of the double yellow lines proposed on the west side (northwards from Havant Road) are implemented adjacent to No.91 Havant Road - but that installation of the remainder is delayed to enable further assessment.


(2)                      Gunwharf Road: That the 3-hour limited waiting restriction is changed to Pay & Display as proposed (to ensure consistency in the location).


(1)          East Cosham Road:

           that the double yellow lines on the east side are implemented

           that the 11-metre length of double yellow lines on the west side outside no.25 are implemented

           that the first 40m of the double yellow lines proposed on the west side (northwards from Havant Road) are implemented adjacent to No.91 Havant Road - but that installation of the remainder is delayed to enable further assessment.


(2)          Gunwharf Road: That the 3-hour limited waiting restriction is changed to Pay & Display as proposed (to ensure consistency in the location).


The Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support reported that the report was in response to residents' concerns in East Cosham and to make the pay and display more consistent within the area in Gunwharf.  Councillor Ellcome was aware of the effect of the construction of the retirement development in East Cosham and noted that the majority of representations were in favour of the proposals and he wished to point out that the road had not been restricted in width.  With regard to the Gunwharf Road element he had received a detailed written deputation from the Friends of Old Portsmouth traffic committee via Mr Dobson whose views he had read and these were circulated to the opposition spokespeople.  These were comments rather than objections or support to the proposals.  He had also heard from Viviers fish market but this was the only objection that he was aware of.




(1)          East Cosham Road:

     that the double yellow lines on the east side are implemented

     that the 11-metre length of double yellow lines on the west side outside no.25 are implemented

     that the first 40m of the double yellow lines proposed on the west side (northwards from Havant Road) are implemented adjacent to No.91 Havant Road - but that installation of the remainder is delayed to enable further assessment.


(2)          Gunwharf Road: That the 3-hour limited waiting restriction is changed to Pay & Display as proposed (to ensure consistency in the location).